ABM – Chapter 52

Hello everyone. ShimizuA here.
I have said that I would take a break from translating for this year but, it seems I still couldn’t let it go. tehe (๑≧౪≦). But seriously, I need to; my study is on the line.
For your information, it seems Noguchi-sensei(ABM author) has done some chapter merging, resulting in a longer chapter and different chapter numbering. Because changing our numbering is a pain, so I’ll keep our numbering and put new numbering on the Chapter heading.
And so, please enjoy the chapter

MLW – Chapter 45

Uh, I’m officially off hiatus now! I don’t know how long the MLW queue is so I gotta calculate it later. The reasons to why it took so long….. well join our Discord channel to find out! Other than that, I have noticed people have been flaming me about inconsistencies and I only have one thing to say: I’m a human, not a machine. (Get the pun? lmao) I’m releasing a survey that hopefully people who have time to type to flame me can fill out to be more productive. I’ll be getting the Jewels chapter out within a few days (or maybe tomorrow), so let’s have a good new year! Btw MLW is being released by Yen Press in March I think, so make sure you support the official translations as well.
MLW Queue: TBA (unless one of you guys wanna calculate it for me)
Inconsistency Survey: here
Chapter 45: here