Abandoned Dragon – Chapter 1

Translator: Salkryn    Editor: Arocks141    Proofreader: DC, Nara

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That day, I found a plastic bag from a convenience store that had been thrown away on the side of the road.
Littering is not unusual.
Local volunteers will clean it up..
There’s no need to take it home and throw it away.
I would normally have just ignored it, but I approached the bag because the top was tied up and it was moving around, not something trash typically does.
I heard a story from an old lady in my neighborhood about something like this, but I thought that it was ridiculous as I opened the bag

Cutely round eyes looked up at me.


It cried out, looking at me.

“Not a cat.”

The story I heard from my neighbor the other day was that a kitten was heard at the garbage dump, and when someone went looking for it out of interest they found that it had been thrown away as organic waste while still alive.
Frankly, I’m not too confident that I can take responsibility for keeping what I found.
However, I’m not so cold that I’d overlook an abandoned animal, so I remembered the story and thus helped the creature, whose former owner seemed to have unreasonably abandoned it here.

But it wasn’t something cute like a kitten, but a reptile—a lizard.
Although I was a student, I thought that a lizard could be taken care of in the aquarium I used to use when I kept goldfish.

“Huh, a lizard? In these scenarios, it’s usually a cat or a dog.”

That was the reply I got when I went home and explained the situation to the Demon Lord (Boss) of my house, my mother.

“But isn’t it a snake?
It doesn’t have any legs.”

“Yes it does, look.”


I took out the lizard I picked up from the bag, and showed its belly to my mother.
There were four spindly legs sticking out of its body.
Not that I care too much, but lizards cry, huh.

“I wonder if it’s venomous?”

My mother did not mind the lizard crying in my hands, as she asked me.

“I looked it up quickly, but it looks like this kind doesn’t have any poison.”

“But don’t lizards eat insects?
Who do you think will feed it?”

“I will.
It looks like it can eat vegetables, so if for some reason I can’t feed it, I’ll ask you for help, and you can just feed it with vegetables. ”

And so, after a brief discussion, in order to make sure it wouldn’t be killed by my senior pet, Pon, the calico cat, I quickly looked up information on the internet on how to prepare an enclosure for the lizard, which I named Gonsuke.

The next day, Gonsuke had ambitions of escaping, but was found exhausted in Pon’s jaw by my grandfather. I managed to save him just in time, before my grandfather could roast him.
“Grandpa, this is my pet, don’t eat it.”


Gonsuke leaks a powerless squeal in my hand.
My grandfather is a demi-human, by the way: a splendid half-orc in whom the blood of the non-human side completely won out.
Born from an Orc grandfather and Ogre grandmother, my father looked completely like a human, and a completely average one at that.
By the way, his wife, the Demon Lord of this house, my mother, apparently has the blood of angels running through her veins.
My maternal grandmother is an angel, and her husband seems to be a demon.
As for why I’m unsure about the angelic part, I’ve never actually met my maternal grandparents.
My mother said that my grandparents had eloped out of forbidden love. They then had mother and gave her a strict upbringing, but she fell in love with my father. However, in addition to her gloomy life up to this point, her mother was opposed to the marriage, so mom and dad found themselves eloping in turn.

Genetics truly work in wondrous ways.

After that, a lot of stuff happened and they moved to live with my paternal grandparents.
I don’t know if they are simply estranged or if my maternal grandparents are already dead, but there is currently no contact with mom’s side of the family.

By the way, even though I’m such a mixed race, it seems that my father’s ordinary blood won out. I’m about as average a human as you could get.

“Oh, I thought it was a snack.”

I could see it being Pon’s snack if I squint my eyes hard enough, but don’t go about stealing snacks from your pet. 1

“If it’s yours, you should write your name on it properly.”

No, you shouldn’t write on a live animal, Grandpa.
I checked Gonsuke’s condition.
Surprisingly, he didn’t seem to be injured.
Pon came to me and looked at me proudly, smugly, even.
’I caught the deserter, praise me.
Praise me, now.
I might even let you pet me while we’re at it.’
I resigned myself to brushing him with a used toothbrush for the first time in a while.

For the time being, I placed Gonsuke in the aquarium to rest and looked at him.
He didn’t seem to be hurt, only tired, which was good because the nearest veterinary clinic was only open in the afternoon that day.

But I didn’t need to worry.
A few minutes later, he started to move animatedly about the aquarium.
Gonsuke gazed at me petting Pon through the glass.

When I wondered what he was doing, Gonsuke stuck to the walls of the aquarium and started walking upwards until he reached the tightly sealed, barring the air holes, ceiling.
While I was wondering what he was about to do, Gonsuke’s tail turned into the shape of a human hand and knocked open the lid from the inside.
No, not knocked open. Pushed open.

I see, you escaped like that.

He was surprisingly dexterous.
Or rather, lizards could use magic nowadays? Coo~~l. To think there were people who could breed that into them.
While I was standing there looking impressed, Gonsuke came out of the aquarium and stared at me.
He looked ready to run away, but seemed to decide against it.
Was he on guard against Pon?

As if in reply, Pon let out a listless “Nya” with a voice roughened by age, yet Gonsuke came towards me, even though only very cautiously. Did Gonsuke understand cats?
Pon’s voice rang out again.
After that he skillfully moved himself onto Pon’s head and stopped moving.


Pon voiced her displeasure.
Then, for a moment, Gonsuke looked at me.
An instant later, Gonsuke started sleeping on Pon’s head.

“What’s with that?”

If you are reading from a pirate or aggregator site, please read from the translator’s site: yado-inn (dot) com I have to put the link like this or else the bots will remove it, sorry 🙁

  1. Arocks141: Or your pet as your snacks.

4 thoughts on “Abandoned Dragon – Chapter 1”

  1. i wonder how big or rather how small the dragon is to lie ontop of a cats’ head?
    i first thought it would be about as big as the cat or maybe a bit smaller since the title picture showed a dragon about that size and a shopping bag can hold something that big but i guess it is about a hand long maybe?

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