Failure Alchemist – Chapter 43

Translator: Flowingcloud  Editor: Arocks141

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My Eighth Birthday and Present from the Spirit King


If you are reading from a pirate or aggregator site, please read from the translator’s site: yado-inn (dot) com I have to put the link like this or else the bots will remove it, sorry 🙁

Father informed His Majesty that I could make a ‘Want to Talk Knurl’ and that I needed ‘Talking Mushrooms’ and ‘Donna Grass Roots’.

My eighth birthday approached during the time I was involved in the disorder of the country’s other side.

On the morning of my birthday, I woke up in the morning and noticed a big wolf lying down beside the bed I was sleeping in.1

Its fur was silvery-white and its eyes were an emerald color. At the center of its forehead was an emerald stone in the shape of an oblong, elliptical shape. Its height seems to be as tall as an adult’s.

… It is big. However, why is it not scary?

“Who are you?” I tried calling out to it timidly. Then, the wolf slowly raised its head and straightened its posture from lying down to sitting straight up.

“I am the sacred beast, a fenrir of the Green Spirit, born and raised under the tree of the green spirits and a family member of them. I have received an order from the Green Spirit King and have been dispatched to protect Daisy-sama,” it said, then slowly bowed.

…First, I should consult Father. Its size makes it not something that I can keep secretly!

I took the fenrir and walked around the house looking for Father. Then, I spotted him when he just left his room.

“Umm, Daisy. What’s with your friend over there?”

Father flinched at the size of the fenrir.
Then, the fenrir explained to Father the same things he told me.

“I see… but I think it’s better to hide the fact that you’re a holy beast. People might be able to investigate the fact that you’re a ‘beloved child’ after all.”

‘Hmm’, Father crossed his arms and pondered.

“Holy Beast Fenrir-sama, I’m very sorry but I would like to pose as Daisy’s wolf familiar on the outside, is that okay?”

Father got down on his knees and spoke to the fenrir on the same level as his eyes.

The fenrir nodded in agreement slowly.

“My mission is to protect the Beloved Child. I do not mind the means as long as I can fulfill my goal. You may do as you please.”

“Thank you very much. One more thing, as a rule in this country, familiars are required to wear a token around their necks in order to distinguish between magical beasts and familiars. By wearing one, you will be able to stay by Daisy’s side.”

The fenrir nodded, indicating he understood.

“…By the way,” then with a poof, the fenrir changed into the form of a puppy, “I can also take on a smaller form like this. Is this form normally more convenient?”

Wow! So cute! I nodded my head in an exaggerated manner in agreement.

“…Looks like it,” Father smiled and replied to the fenrir.

“Hey, do you have a name?” I asked as I picked up the fenrir in his puppy form.

“No, I don’t have a name,” the puppy shook its head.

“Hmm, what would be good? You’re part of the green spirit’s family, so…”

As I pondered on this, I saw the green gem on its forehead that looked like a leaf.

“How about Leaf?” 2

The puppy blinked its sparkling eyes, then happily rubbed the tip of its nose against my cheek.
It’s decided!

I received a wonderful birthday present.

Then, after a while, the schedule for gathering materials for the ‘Want to Talk Knurl’ was also decided. His Majesty gave his instructions. Three members from the Knight Order and two mages and one healer were selected from the Mage Troops. Of course, Father was among one of them. They rode off on their horses.

Leaf, who had reverted to his fenrir form, and I will go along with them. I wanted to see with my own eyes the quality of the materials we were going to collect. Additionally, I am not riding a horse but riding Leaf. Leaf wore a familiar token—a type of magical tool that can handle changes in size—around his neck. Also, riding gear to make it easier for me to ride on Leaf was put on him.

Because I am an alchemist who can also use magic, I wore a loose child robe that is impact and magic resistant, and thin pants for riding underneath it. I also carried a pouch over my shoulders that I always carried potions in.

Initially, Father was reluctant to take me with him, but since the Leaf was gifted from the spirit king. Maybe Father was less worried about my safety, thus, I was able to go with him.

‘Talking Mushrooms’ are located in the Orc Forest, southeast of the royal capital. Also, we found out that the ‘Donna Grass Roots’ were located in the Orkenia Meadows southwest of the capital. Our destinations were set.

The leader of the group was Father.

“First, we will go to the Orc Forest. There is a possibility that multiple orcs show up and turn things into a free-for-all fight so stay focused!” Father instructed and everyone responded, “Yes!” in response.

“Let’s go!”

With Father’s order, the group set off for the Orc Forest.

If you are reading from a pirate or aggregator site, please read from the translator’s site: yado-inn (dot) com I have to put the link like this or else the bots will remove it, sorry 🙁

  1. Arocks141: So… I’m now editing Little Red Alchemical Hood?
  2. Flowingcloud: This is like old-school Pokemon game naming lol.
    Arocks141: *Cringes hard*.

2 thoughts on “Failure Alchemist – Chapter 43”

  1. Arocks141 you know you named something Leaf in your pokemon runs at least once don’t give us that “*Cringe*” Bull

  2. “Holy Beast Fenrir-sama, I’m very sorry but I would like to pose as Daisy’s wolf familiar on the outside, is that okay?” -> I would like you to pose

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