Horror Actress – Theater 5: Scene 5

Translator: Flowingcloud  Editor: Arocks141

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Theater 5: Genius Child Actor and Genius Child Actor! – Scene 5


Going a bit back in time.
Tsugumi runs down the hallway chasing Mimi.


I ran through the school building. Running and running until my feet tripped and I fell down.

“What am I even doing?”

My chest hurts. How did things turn out this way? Without realizing, I hurt Mimi-chan and kept smiling nonchalantly. Even if it’s Mimi-chan, she would get fed up eventually, right?

I have always stayed inside the house, and one day, as I gained more memories and became capable of doing more, then I was able to go outside. Afterward, I made my first friends.

The easy-going and carefree Rin-chan.

The cheerful and the family-oriented Juria-chan.

The kind and warmhearted Mimi-chan.

They are all my precious friends. My first friends. And yet, I hurt them.

(To apologize without knowing what I did wrong would be rude, wouldn’t it?)

What if she rejects me again? Thinking about this made my legs tremble with fear. What would Tsugumi do? Even friends have quarrels. In those times, Tsugumi would clash with them, discuss the issue together, then forgive each other.

Then, can I be like that too? —Standing still will not solve anything. If I do not move forward, nothing will change from this point on. That’s how everyone has lived. How everyone has survived. Thus, I should at least try to move forward.

“Alright. For now, I’ll just go, and then—”

“Ah, found you.”

“—Excuse me?”

A voice. I turn around to confirm who it is.

“A staff member…?”

The voice belonged to a female staff member who had informed us to move.

“Are you looking for someone?”

She was wearing a hat pulled down low, hiding her eyes.

“Um, I’m looking for Yuugao Mimi-chan.”

“Ah, if that’s the case, I saw her. Let’s go together.”

She offered her hand. A faintly smiling mouth. Smile lines erased with makeup and skin exposed through the work clothes. Is her clothes not the right size? And those thick work gloves.

“—Who are you?”

Her hand stopped. Her expression did not change, but the glimpse of her eyes—they were muddy and turbid like coal tar.

“Just a staff member. A normal staff member.”

“An AD? Then, are you working under Director Mimura?”

“Yes, that’s—”

I turned on my heel and started to run. There is no director named Mimura. I remember them all; there’s no mistake. No, more importantly, I remember where I saw this person. The audition venue where my fate changed that day. She was one of the parents who brought their children to the audition.

Of course, I don’t know her name. I did not check, however, if I could see her eyes, I could identify that woman.

“—Tch, wait up!”

Where can I escape? Going in a straight line is no good. I might run into Mimi-chan. I deliberately took a turn, aiming for a space with stairs.

I ran.


And ran.

If I go down the stairs, there’s no more worry about encountering Mimi-chan—


—My vision distorted strangely. The stairs blurred as if I was looking through the lens of a fisheye. Although I just needed to step down and keep running, the mere 13 steps appeared like a dark, terrifying hole stretching into the abyss. 1

“No… Move, move, move!”

My feet become immobile like a statue. My hands shook. The chattering sound I hear is my own teeth failing to stay in place.

“Kufu, hahaha, I caught up, you little rat.”

I turned around and that woman was standing there. Her eyes scrutinized as if licking me. There was no sign of kindness there. That’s why—exactly why—I recalled.


“[Heeheehee, we’re finally alone together.]”

“[That servant was always sticking close no matter where we went, never leaving us any time alone.]”


Something that was carefully, strictly, firmly sealed away in the depths of my memory begins to overflow.


“Why, you ask? Oh, you don’t know? Well then, I’ll inform you.”

Two layers of scenery appeared. A discomfort as past memories overlay the present. My body, hugged by trembling hands, was cold as ice. A feeling where I wanted to vomit everything in my stomach, emotions that made me want to crouch down and cry, and the desire to run away and cling to everyone entwined like chains.


—No, no, no. I’m scared. Why? Did I do something bad? I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.


“This drama was supposed to star my daughter. That’s right, there’s no mistaking it. My daughter could not have possibly failed. But what of it? When you look at the results, everyone who got the part did so through connections. I could understand if you were the child of an actress. But you? Who are you? You’re nobody’s child, so why did someone like you get to pass the audition over my daughter? I was supposed to become famous as a parent who raised a famous child actor!?!?”


A woman in a rage. / A woman with a smile.
Pulling at her hair. / Stroking my hair.
Raising her hand to strike at me. / Touching my body.
Shouting and yelling at me. / Repeatedly crying out that she wants me.


“But—I get it. By chance, you were blessed with good looks, by chance, you had a good memory, by chance, your parents were rich, and by chance, everything you’ve ever wanted has been handed to you, right?”

“[Ah, Tsugumi-sama. How beautiful you are. Heeheehee. Tell me, what should I do? How can I make you smile only for me? Tell me, tell me, Tsugumi-sama.]”


—Scary. Disgusting. I’m scared, I’m scared, I’m scared. Why? Why did you touch me? Why do you hit me? Why do you look at me that way?


“So, let me teach you one thing. Okay, listen very carefully.”

“[Ah, that’s right. That’s it. Hehehe, I found you. I’ve found you.]”


—No, no, no, no, no. Someone, anyone is fine. Please, somebody save me.


“If only someone like you had never existed!”

“[Ah, that’s right. If only you lived in a world just for me.]”


The lid on my memories cracked loudly, shattering easily. What crawled out from the depths of my heart were the ghastly memories I had sealed away for so long.

My legs were paralyzed. My body trembled. At last, I understood. These were not the recalled memories of Kirio Tsugumi. They were the memories of that day when I was pushed down the stairs in my own home—the memories (trauma) of Sora Tsugumi that was now rooting my feet to the spot.

“That girl too, right? Even the children co-actors think it would be better if you didn’t exist! Isn’t that right? Because as long as you’re here, they’ll always just seem ordinary!”

Is that true, I wonder? Does everyone think it would be better if I was not here? That woman, the tutor brought by Daddy and Mummy, said she loved me and wished for my death. Would she have been happy if I had died?

Rin-chan, Juria-chan… and Mimi-chan. Dear friends I had argued with, however, was it only I who thought they were important?

If I chose to be killed by this woman here—would everyone be happy then?

“Hehehe, kufufufu…”

The woman crept closer. Forcing my frozen thoughts to move, then I looked ahead. And there—no, it can’t be—I spotted the figure of Mimi-chan watching from the shadows of the corridor. The space in front of the stairs was wide, creating distance between us. Fortunately, this woman had not yet noticed Mimi-chan, who was peering out from around the corner.

Should I signal her to call for help? Get her attention? No, that could lead to Mimi-chan being discovered. She could get hurt.

I did not want to harm my first friend, even if she hates me, absolutely not!

“(Please, reach her—) —(Run… away…)”

I conveyed the message with just the movement of my lips, and Mimi-chan’s eyes widened. Covering her mouth with trembling hands, she looked down. Yes, that’s right. Escape as quietly as possible. Then, this woman will focus only on me and not go after Mimi-chan.



—Mimi-chan leaned forward.


—With straightforward eyes.


—And took a deep breath.




Her yelling voice seemed to shake my very soul. Without hesitation, she rushed over and clung to the woman’s leg. To protect someone like me.

“Tsugumi-chan is—Tsugumi-chan is my friend! She’s amazing, strong, cool, cute, and kind. She’s my friend!!!”

Mimi-chan. You’re the amazing one. Despite being so scared, you raised your voice for me.

Mimi-chan. You’re the strong one. Despite facing something so horrifying, you stood up for me.

Mimi-chan, Mimi-chan, Mimi-chan—You’re so cool, so cute, and the kindest of anyone. You’re my friend.

“Damn it, let go!!”



“I won’t let you go ever!!!!”

Mimi-chan sent me the same message to flee. But if I run away now, what will become of Mimi-chan? What meaning is there in escaping and losing a friend?

I’m scared. I can’t move my legs. I’m scared. My heart beated painfully. I’m scared. I’m scared. I’m scared. I feel so frightened and sick, and I can’t do anything.

That’s why.

As the woman swung her leg, Mimi-chan was knocked down on her bottom and separated from her. However, the woman no longer looked at me. She was furious, reaching out to grab Mimi-chan.

If things continued this way, surely Mimi-chan would be strangled by that woman. Her limbs would go limp, and she would not be able to move like a doll.

That’s why.

If Sorahoshi Tsugumi could not save Mimi-chan—


The surrounding scenery seemed to disappear into a hallucination similar to white light. Sinking into an image within myself. In the depths of my consciousness, I felt myself falling into darkness.

White and light. A dazzling world. Beyond the boundary line, there was a gentle yet strong darkness. That darkness should have been new to me, yet it felt incredibly familiar and warm.


“[Is this really okay?]”

“Yes. I can’t save my friend by myself.”

“[Is this really okay with you?]”

“Because I don’t want to lose them, that’s why.”

“[I understand.]” / “Thank you.” 2

“Then reach out your hand.”

“[Okay… please.]”

“If that’s what you wish.”

“[This is my wish.]”


I reached out and crossed the boundary line.
The colors around me seemed to invert as if swapping places.


──It’s fine as long as I can become someone who can save us!!!


“You little brat!!!!”


A hand reached out to Mimi-chan. That woman is trying to hurt her. The surroundings seem to move in slow motion, probably because I’m in an extreme situation. How nostalgic.

From around the corner of the hallway Mimi-chan had run out from, I could see Koharu-san, about to burst out, her face straining with effort. It must have only been a moment in time, but it was heartwarming that she’s come to help. However, this won’t work. Issues like these cannot be resolved with adult intervention; they will end up hurting a child in some respect.

I pressed my index finger to my lips and winked. Perhaps that alone was enough to convey my message, as Koharu-san widened her eyes and stopped in her tracks.

“I won’t let you.”

From this entry, maybe this angle. The woman’s hand thrusted forward as if to shake something off. I could have dodged it easily, but I choose to accept it instead. There are only 13 steps on the staircase. I changed my posture as if being pushed and rolled down dramatically to make it look more spectacular.

Falling, slipping, after all, is all about the surface area in the contact and angle. The strength on the back side of the body is about three times that of the belly side. Ribs may break under strong loads applied to a small area, but if you shift your core and slide, you can escape the impact.

“T-That can’t be..”

“Hehe, I did it, I really did it.”

I spasmed in a way that was easy to understand. I felt bad for scaring Mimi-chan, but I’ll make sure to follow up with her later.


Ah, but somehow, the scream feels a bit comforting—must be the nature of a horror actress.



Now then, let’s begin.

The program: “Twilight Girl Spirit ~The Melody of Revenge~”.

I raised my arms and moved them strangely. Doing so causes people to be unable to take their eyes off the strange movements. Thus, I bent my knees so that I could get up easily and my body twisted up. If you do this, the following will happen.


“■o■” ■■? ■, ?—!!”

I sprang up into a bridge position. It was essentially performing a neck spring. Being able to scuttle up the stairs like a spider might be thanks to Tsugumi’s high-spec body.

Even with my vision flipped upside down, I could still see the figure of the other party. Intentionally swaying a little from side to side, I exaggerated the movements of my limbs, blurring reality.

“Tsugumi-chan… it’s my fault that Tsugumi-chan turned out this way, right? It’s okay—you can eat me.”

I’m not going to eat you!? But, since you’ve closed your eyes like you’ve resolved yourself to die, I can focus on my target with peace of mind.”

“E-Ekk, ekkkkkkk!”

Now, Miss Villain who hurts children. Watch carefully. This is the resurgence of the horror actress, Kirio Tsugumi.

As I kicked my limbs up and lifted my torso as if squeezing it, my body sprung up as if pulled by strings. With my head hanging down, I pounced on the woman.

“■■? ■ke■. ■??■? ■■shi?──!!”


The woman collapsed with foam in her mouth. Scaring her to this extent should be enough to keep her at bay.

“Phew, ahahaha. Now you’ve learned it the hard way, don’t do bad things anymore, okay?”

Well, she probably can’t hear me.

“…Tsugumi-sama, are you hurt?”

“No, I’m fine. I apologize for making you worry.”

“No need to apologize. However, you gave me quite a fright. Please don’t be so reckless next time.”

“Ughh, you’re right. I’m sorry. But thank you for stopping.”

“Next time, I will help. Got it??”

“Got it.”

Koharu-san looked at me with a great deal of concern. I felt bad for worrying her.

Then, I turned around and sat down in front of Mimi-chan, who was also sitting, and took Mimi-chan’s hand.


“Tsugumi… chan?”

“I’m sorry for scaring you.”

Mimi-chan’s eyes opened up wide.

Then, tears gathered at the corners of Mimi-chan’s eyes.

“I-I-I did such a terrible thing to Tsugumi-chan!”

“It’s okay. It’s thanks to you that I’m not scared anymore.”

“If I hadn’t hurt Tsugumi-chan!!”

“Then, I’m also the same. I also hurt you, Mimi-chan.”

Mimi-chan hugged me as if clinging to me. She’s such a kind, strong girl.

“But, I, gahh, hic, aaaaah!”

“Then, shall we make up? I’m happy to have you as my friend, Mimi-chan. I want to stay friends with Mimi-chan.”

“Is that… okay? Hic, hic, aaaaah!”

“If you refuse, I’ll cry, you know?”

“I-I also, I also want to stay friends with Tsugumi-chan!”

I hugged Mimi-chan as she clung to me and cried.

Has someone gotten in touch? I hugged Mimi-chan, listening to the bustling noise of the other staff members running over.

“Uweh, hic, w-waaaaaaaaa!!!”

“Thank you, Mimi-chan—I love you.”

Just for now, I wanted to convey this warmth deep in my heart.

  1. Flowingcloud Fun Fact: Tsugumi fell down exactly 13 step of stairs (as mentioned in Theater 1) after being pushed down the stairs by her deranged tutor.
  2. Flowingcloud: If this is confusing, they switch places after this line. The brackets is now Sorahoshi Tsugumi and regular dialogue is Kirio Tsugumi.

4 thoughts on “Horror Actress – Theater 5: Scene 5”

  1. …okay so it was somehow both

    I’m kinda confused about the switch tho lol
    I swear I remember that she only has 1 soul, not like 2 souls with one sleeping or something. I guess I need to reread the novel or something xd

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