I’m looking for a fight(LOL)

Kenar here!

No, I’m not looking for a fight. So, one of my favourite gender-bender novel isn’t being translated. It’s name is Kenja No Deshi Wo Nanoru Kenja. I’ll try to translate it until the end starting from chapter 48. I ask one of my editors to edit my translation to fit mira’s original speech but I don’t want to make it into shakespearean style so I ask him to edit it to make mira sounds like a high class person. And he managed to do it. But, some people may be kind of pissed off(?) at that kind of person so we create two version. Without further ado, here’s the links,

Wiseman – Chapter 48 Normal Version
Wiseman – Chapter 48 (Attempted Xianxia Version)

You can leave a comment saying which version of the translation you want to read. If you are too lazy to comment, you can vote here,

DISCLAIMER: There is no guarantee that my translation is 100% correct. Please correct me if I was wrong.

31 thoughts on “I’m looking for a fight(LOL)”

    1. No, I’m not breaking any rules here. You can try reading NU Policy if you want to understand my point.
      here is the link https://www.novelupdates.com/nu-policy/
      As a side note, I’m not translating the series from where the last translators left. Well, if you want to read MTL, nothing can stop you. You may compare it with another translation, I dont mind it.

      1. If I had known that policy then I would’ve posted 48 and 49 a long time ago:/ Well, good luck either way and thanks for your hard work.

        1. yeah, its a bit hard to find at Nu’s site to be honest. I’m translating ch 49 atm. I was a bit hesitant at the beginning too. I figured out that I can release ch 48 so I worked on it. But I’m going to do the LN if someone already released another ch since I don’t really want an unhealthy competition. I’d rather not working on the LN since I can be hit DMCA so hard tho. Well, that’s a matter of opinion.

  1. I know you break ruler 3 month but I think Loli Mamoritai more focus to his another novel that make this novel semi abandoned?. Well I like this novel. I think you need consult with him about this

  2. I must say congratulations!
    It’s obvious but I’d rather not read MTL, since it’s kind of taxing in the brain.. thoughts? haha

  3. I want to ask which version is the “make mira sounds like a high class person” before I vote

      1. Hi. I’m that editor. I didn’t call it that way.
        It’s the fault of the translator; linking high-class, self-important with xianxia. Please direct all complaints at the translator. I’ll also provide you with a convincing argument device.
        Do you prefer a pitchfork, a sickle, or a flaming staff?

  4. Hi! Thanks for picking this up. Are you taking over and releasing new untranslated chapters? If so I’m totally willing to donate. Thanks again!

    1. thats my plan originally. lets hope that the other translator release a new chapter. if that happens, i’ll drop this wn and translate the LN.

  5. Eh… Pretty sure ‘imouto site’ said that they’re going to translate another chapter of Mira after translating a couple more chapters from another wn. Written on one of the chapter posts iirc

    1. Then, they can go fuck themselves. I’ll do it as long as my update is registered by NU. We’re anti-Imouto around these parts. Quality > Quantity. Also, Loli can go eat shit.

      Yado Inn

      1. Whelp they released another chapter. And it was painful and unreadable. Go Yado Inn! Btw, which donate link do I pick to support wiseman efforts? Thanks again!

        1. its kenar. Im the translator for wiseman. You can donate at the ko-fi link attached at this site

      2. First they dont update for 3 months and thdn they release a unreadable chapter 1 day after you picking it up, its clearly them beimg a bad sport so please keep translating i really love this series

  6. Hahaha, estelion was planning to translate another chapter a few days before you uploaded chapter 48. It was mentioned in another of their series though. I would suggest asking/telling estelion that you will be taking this series. They translate for fun and have a lot of series still to translate.. pretty sure they dont really mind if someone else takes one xD

  7. This series has been one of my kickstarter novels that got me to reading, and it saddens me with how it’s being thrown back and forth as if a ball, especially when it lands on incapable hands. I hope you’d do a fine job with the translation as well as the rate of releases, but I’m probably just putting too much worry. This series is good putting bias aside, and it deserves better, really do. I’ll give my full support should it find solace here, excluding anything related to funding – I’m stingy, after all. Oh, and thanks!

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