God of Cooking Chapter 283

Flowingcloud: Thank you Crystalblaze, Akir, Invalidlinks, Tim, and the rest of the Patreon sponsors for supporting God of Cooking! Posted a tiny bit late because I forgot to schedule.

Schedule: 1 chapter per week. Mondays.

Chapter 283

You can read up to five chapters ahead on Patreon to support this project right now. ($100 tier does not get you anything more right now.) If there are any issues, please message me on Discord instead of Patreon DMs.

Modern Villainess Volume 1 Chapter 3 Part 4+5

Flowingcloud: Both parts are relatively short, thus double release today. Both are wholesome chapters. Also, my translator friend, LysUltima, helped me translate a bit of chapter 3 starting here at these parts, so I thought I’d give a shoutout as thanks.

Schedule: 2 chapters per week. Wednesday and Saturday.

Volume 1 Chapter 3 Part 4

Volume 1 Chapter 3 Part 5

Follow me on Twitter. You can advance chapters on Patreon right now for $5. I’m trying to rush my editor to edit but it’s taking a while.

Loli Witch V1 C28

Background (Discord) Conversations
Cloud: I plan on a few chapters backstocked.
Rainy day chapters, you know?
Arocks: “Rainy day” = “lazy day”, huh?
Just confirming. Since it could also mean:
Sick day (aka lazy day)
Busy day (aka lazy day)
Family day (aka lazy day)
Festival day (aka lazy day)
Birthday (aka lazy day)
Or Anniversary (aka lazy day)

Schedule: 1 chapter per week. Thursday.

Volume 1 Chapter 28

Check out Patreon for advance chapters! Get access to all Loli Witch chapters for just $5!

Modern Villainess Volume 1 Chapter 3 Part 3

Flowingcloud: There have been a decent amount of people that explain that they did not understand what occurred in Chapter 2. Thus, I wrote an explanation and inserted it between chapters for those who did not understand and want to read an essay. I will be doing this for every chapter with economics.

Schedule: 2 chapter parts per week. Wednesday and Saturday.

Volume 1 Chapter 3 Part 3

Volume 1 Chapter 2 Explanation

Follow me on Twitter. You can advance chapters on Patreon right now for $5. I’m trying to rush my editor to edit but it’s taking a while.

God of Cooking Chapter 282

Flowingcloud: Thank you Crystalblaze, Akir, Invalidlinks, Tim, and the rest of the Patreon sponsors for supporting God of Cooking!

Schedule: 1 chapter per week. Mondays.

Chapter 282

You can read up to five chapters ahead on Patreon to support this project right now. ($100 tier does not get you anything more right now.) If there are any issues, please message me on Discord instead of Patreon DMs.