4 thoughts on “SKM – Chapter 30”

    1. microchip will be very dumb idea…
      in this era you can just hack into your phones and *poof* your data copied and later sell for whatever reason they want it in the first place…

      and secondly
      microchip will be next to impossible to make with our current technology. and even is they somehow made it into reality (which that i greatly doubt happens) it would cost astronomically, not just the media skit to “brainwash” you to willingly taking the “microchiped vaccine” they also need to actually make the microchip and of course mass producing it. the cost for not-so-micro-chips is already sky high and you want to make hundred on millions of them? in matter of months? keep dreaming.

      this BS of microchip vaccine is on the best just a propaganda for lowering the population by cutting it down by natural means A.K.A the died by virus. lowering the faith in medical procedure and government.

      this is stupid, all of this is stupid.

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