MLW – Chapter 45

Uh, I’m officially off hiatus now! I don’t know how long the MLW queue is so I gotta calculate it later. The reasons to why it took so long….. well join our Discord channel to find out! Other than that, I have noticed people have been flaming me about inconsistencies and I only have one thing to say: I’m a human, not a machine. (Get the pun? lmao) I’m releasing a survey that hopefully people who have time to type to flame me can fill out to be more productive. I’ll be getting the Jewels chapter out within a few days (or maybe tomorrow), so let’s have a good new year! Btw MLW is being released by Yen Press in March I think, so make sure you support the official translations as well.
MLW Queue: TBA (unless one of you guys wanna calculate it for me)
Inconsistency Survey: here
Chapter 45: here

Pervy Healer Early Chapter Re-translations

I’ve been getting complaints from new readers of I Work As A Healer In Another World’s Labyrinth City that the TL quality / intrusive ads on the earlier chapters make it difficult to get into the series, so I decided to redo the first few chapters to help with that. Enjoy!
Pervy Healer – Chapter 1
Pervy Healer – Chapter 2
Pervy Healer – Chapter 3

MLW – Chapter 44

Flowingcloud: Yeah, here’s the MLW chapter that I grinded out instead of working on my final’s essays. I was too stressed to keep working, so I just did this chapter instead. My finals end Wednesday so schedule will be going back to normal on Friday (well technically today). I’ll hope to catch up to the massive queue I accumulated due to IRL (college). Enjoy your chapter! Also, expect to see a Jewels chapter next week or the week after. Join our Discord and make sure to turn off ad-block please!
MLW Queue: 14 Chapters
P.S. I decided to change how I apply Patreon bonus chapters. Bonus chapters will be applied after the month ends so people don’t pledge then leave at the end of the month.
Chapter: here

SHS – V1 Chapter 1 part 4

Hi everyone. ShimizuA here.
I have an announcement for you all. But before that, here’s the chapter.

  1. I will take a long hiatus (maybe a year) from translating to fix and finish my studies (already delayed a year). Affected novels are Akugyaku no Maria (well, we still have DC to work on that) and Duke’s Daughter. If someone wants to translate DD while I was gone, please contact us.
  2. I will drop SHS. Anyone who wants to pick it up feels free to do so. If you don’t have the RAWS, I could give you. You can contact me through the contact page or our discord.

That’s all. Thanks for your support all of this time.

JUSCO – V1 Chapter 1 part 5

Where is the next World Fair EXPO?

A worldwide survey was conducted by the UN.
The only question asked was: “Would you please give your honest opinion about solutions to the food shortage in the rest of the world?”
The survey was a huge failure.
In Africa, they didn’t know what “food” meant.
In Eastern Europe, they didn’t know what “honest” meant.
In Western Europe, they didn’t know what “shortage” meant.
In China, they didn’t know what “opinion” meant.
In the Middle East, they didn’t know what “solution” meant.
In South America, they didn’t know what “please” meant.
And in the USA, they didn’t know what “the rest of the world” meant.

New Novel Annoucement

flowingcloud: Presenting our new novel, that has no schedule yet and we aren’t even sure if we’re going to keep up with it: Moon, Laika, and the Bloodsucking Princess, being translated by DC! Group might pick up another novel this month, but hey who know what might happen lmao.
DC: So, sometimes people get bored and like to try new things. I decided “Hey, it has an interesting premise, so why the hell not?” I’m only doing chapter one after this as of this post. If I find the story to my liking by the end of the chapter, then I may continue, otherwise, this is just a teaser.
Chapter: (Please support our website by turning off ad-block) V1 Prelude